Like playing cards, there are many different types of billiards games, and the way the score sheet is written varies for each game.
With the exception of some games such as 9-ball, simple scoreboards like those used in table tennis and basketball are often not sufficient, and I think the main reason why neon has been so popular for so long is that it provides a number of dedicated scoreboards for each game within a single app.
- This reduces the amount of calculation required for games with complex scoring calculations, such as rotation games.
- In straight pool, once you use neon you'll never go back to paper scoresheets.

Another major feature of neon that is not available in other scoreboard apps is that detailed data such as shooting rate, break continuation rate, and safety success rate are displayed on the results page.
If you create an account, you can store and manage that data in a database.

By creating an owner account, you will be able to create and manage multiple accounts (private accounts).
Private accounts can only be accessed or viewed from the owner's device, so registering regular members is convenient for using neon in billiards hall.
It is also recommended for use by clubs such as APA teams.